Pemi-Baker Community Health wants to say THANK YOU to the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation for a very generous grant for a new commercial washer and dryer! This is a huge upgrade for our facility and was sorely needed. If NH Electric Co-op is your utility company you can help. Funding for grants such as these come from NH Electric Co-op members who participate in the Round-Up Program and have their monthly electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Founded in 2006, the purpose of the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation is to improve the quality of life for their members and the communities they serve. As a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), the NHEC Foundation provides grants to charitable organizations, throughout NHEC’s service territory that are designed to promote health and social well-being programs, enrichment programs and/or educational programs, hunger programs, cultural art programs and academic achievement programs.
We are so lucky to have such a great business in our community!